Insurance Document Manager
Access and visualize your clients' insurance documents and case files.
Project Type
UI/UX Design
System Design
UI/UX Designer
The Problem
Lawyers need to access clients' insurance policies and find any overlap or lapse of coverage will preparing for a case.
Lawyers within the insurance industry spend hundreds of hours a year looking at clients' insurance coverage. They spend a lot of their time looking for information about coverage dates, amounts, and types.
What if there was a visual way to see a client's policies? Ideally, it would be great if you could see each policy in a timeline format with the ability to filter out policies as needed.

A team of business analysts helped in the research of this project. My time was focused on creating a path for users to flow through the system. I wanted to make this system as easy to use as possible. I spent a large time researching visual information and administration systems. A large part of this system was creating a way for our client to manage those on the system.
"Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service."
- Steve Jobs

Simple, Clean, and User Friendly
Creating this system was like figuring out a puzzle. I had to find a lot of information on how different users will use this system, along with the administration side of everything.
The system allows lawyers to do the following:
View active clients
Manage clients policies
Add policies for a client
Add notes and other important information on the case
Download important documents related to a policy
Manage users

This project is the MVP and there will be more enhancements to come in the future. This system will be expanded for different audiences such as insurance companies. Other enhancements will include a payment processor, in-system messaging, and the ability to manage and organize teams within an organization.